General Revenue Services

Skills Building/Employment – A day program that aids individuals to acquire skills to reside, integrate, and participate successfully in the community.

Employment Assistance – Assistance provided to an individual to help the individual locate paid competitive employment in the community or self-employment.

Respite Hourly – Limited funding that may provide relief for a caregiver temporarily. Staff that can give a qualifying individual support with their needs when their main caregiver needs to take a break. Cannot take place while caregiver is at work.

Supported Employment – Assistance provided to obtain or maintain employment to an individual who, because of a disability, requires intensive, ongoing support to be employed., work from home or perform in a work setting at which individuals without disabilities are employed. Supported employment includes employment adaptations, supervision, training, related to an individual’s assessed needs, and earning at least a minimum wage (if not self-employed).

Community Support – Individualized activities that are provided in the person’s home and at community locations that foster improvement of, or facilitate, the person’s ability to perform daily living activities, help preserve the family unit and prevent or limit out-of-home placement of the person. Support include activities such as:

  • Transportation
  • Training
  • Shopping Assistance
  • Laundry
  • Medication box refill

Benefits and Representative Payee – assistance maintaining or starting benefits such as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Food stamps, Lit Up Texas, Medicaid phone, meals on wheels, etc.

Alternate Placement – Assistance finding acceptable living arrangements in the least restrictive environment for consumer’s needs.

Psychiatric Medication Needs – Quarterly clinic for medication maintenance.
If you have any questions regarding General Revenue Services, contact Texoma Community Center by phone at 903-957-4795 or by email using the link below.