We are a recovery-oriented system of care and believe that individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder have the ability to recover and deserve dignity and respect throughout their recovery process without the stigma traditionally attached to substance use disorders. We believe that each individual is unique and that person-centered recovery should be inclusive of individual strengths and needs. We believe that there are many paths to recovery and we strive to provide multiple research-based practices in allowing individuals to determine the most effective path for themselves. We believe that the health, safety, and welfare of individuals in recovery is our guiding principle to direct client-centered treatment. We strive to empower clients to achieve their highest level of functioning in all dimensions of wellness while achieving their treatment goals. We believe that non-judgmental, unbiased, respectful, trauma-informed, and objective service delivery promotes the efficacy of treatment. We understand that recovery from a substance use disorder is a process requiring investment, engagement, and long-term commitment.
Program Contact Information
TCC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program
Specialized Women’s Program
OSAR Screenings
Medication Assisted Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
Office Based Opioid Treatment
Phone: (903) 957-4803
Toll Free: 1 (877) 530-2228
P.O. Box 1087
Sherman, Texas 75091
Business Hours M-F 8am-5pm
Flexible Hours Available
TCC Crisis Line (24 hours): 1 (877) 277-2226
Program Staff
Amber Denney, MA, LPC, LCDC
Program Director
Email: adenney@texomacc.org
Nathaniel Lightfoot, BA, LCDC
Assistant Director
Email: nlightfoot@texomacc.org
Janira Buitron, LCDC
OBOT Program Manager
Email: jbuitron@texomacc.org
Denise Davis
Office Manager

Intake Paperwork
If you are interested in enrolling in the SUD program, please see intake paperwork below. Once we have received the paperwork, someone will be in contact to schedule an intake appointment.
You will need to sign this first portion of the intake paperwork and email it to subabuse.referral@texomacc.org with your name and phone number.
The following intake paperwork is for your personal records. You can download and save it or ask for a copy when you come into the office for intake.

A focus on moving into a sober lifestyle which includes the client’s overall wellbeing in dimensions of educational, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, intellectual, environmental, and emotional.
Our purpose is to is to provide comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender-specific treatment services to a specialized population of women.

Recovery support services available for all medication assisted treatment (MAT) clients. Call 903-957-4803 for more information.

Details about Screening Services:
- OSAR-no fee
- Drug and Alcohol Assessments for employment, legal, or other requirements for clients not enrolling in treatment- $100 due prior to assessment.
- Tele-health substance use screening-no fee
To learn more, call (903) 957-4803
Specialized Women’s Services
OBOT (Office Based Opioid Treatment)
The contact for information about any programs offered is:
Denise Davis, Office Manager, (903) 957-4803
Paul Moore, Counselor, (903) 957-4803
Recovery Support Services (RSS)
The goal of Recovery Support Services is to increase the prevalence and enhance the quality of long-term recovery from substance use disorders. Recovery Support Services of your choice are available for those considering Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) with suboxone or methadone, who are already in a MAT Program or have completed a MAT Program. Some of the services available are listed below.
- Your choice of Recovery Coach
- Family and Supportive Allies inclusion in recovery related activities
- Transportation assistance to recovery related events and appointments
- Opioid overdose prevention education and access to Narcan
- Access to community meetings, events, and social service agency programs with Recovery Coach
- Monthly support system inclusion in sober socialization events
- Assistance in locating or finding: employment, supported housing, utility assistance.
- Health and wellness assistance
- Financial support to obtain vital documents (birth certificate, social security card, state issued ID, Driver License)
Adolescent Treatment Program
The adolescent outpatient substance use treatment program provides
evidence-based treatment for people ages 13-17. The program consists of individual and group counseling sessions, substance use educational sessions, and family/support system sessions. As adolescents need support to achieve long-lasting recovery, family/support system participation is a required component of this treatment program.
Our treatment team provides services including:
- Screenings and assessments
- Individualized treatment plans
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling
- Independent living skills education
- Substance Use Education
- Parent/Support System counseling and supportive meetings
- Treatment Team Meetings
- Sober socialization activities
- Case management services
- Linkages to community supports and community services
- Coordination of services with outside agencies upon request

Want to be a part of our team?
The TCC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center is licensed as a CTI by the Texas Department of State Health Services to provide clinical supervision for LCDC-Interns. All prospective interns or students must complete an application and interview process with the program director prior to acceptance into the supervision program. For more information call (903) 957-4803.