Interest List

Because the demand for community-based services and supports often outweighs available resources, applicant’s names may be placed on an interest list until services are available. However, some needs may be met through other programs until an applicant’s name comes to the top of the list.

Applicants are placed on interest lists on a first-come, first-served basis. When a person’s name comes to the top of the list, he or she will be contacted by a caseworker. When the caseworker determines that someone is eligible, that person will need to choose a provider to deliver services, if he or she has not already done so.

HHSC received significant funding from the 80th Texas Legislature (2007) to serve additional persons from the Medicaid waiver and non-Medicaid community services interest lists. House Bill 1 provides $71.5 million in general revenue funds to address the interest lists at HHSC.

Interest lists for community-based programs are managed either locally or statewide, depending on the program. The programs are:

  • Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
  • Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD)
  • Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
  • Medically Dependent Children’s Program (MDCP)
  • Allocations are based on available funding. People who have been on the interest lists the longest are enrolled first. Enrollment is done by:

  • regional employees
  • Local intellectual and developmental disability authorities
  • CLASS providers
  • DBMD

  • We encourage all individuals seeking IDD services with Texoma Community Center to apply for the services Interest List. For your convenience, the documents below may be printed and filled out prior to your arrival for intake. If you have questions, or to schedule an intake, please contact the LIDDA at 903-957-4798 or email us using the link below
