Employment Services

Employment assistance:
Employment assistance helps people locate paid jobs, and includes helping them:
• identify employment preferences, job skills, and work requirements and conditions; and
• identify prospective employers who offer appropriate employment.

Supported employment:
Supported employment is provided to a person who has paid employment to help him or her sustain that employment. It includes individualized support services, supervision and training.

Supported Employment (SE) is a “place then train” model, which is a two-part process:

  1. place a consumer with the most significant disabilities in a competitive job, and then
  2. provide training and support directly related to the job.

Unlike the traditional VR model, which provides job readiness and other training activities to prepare a consumer for employment, this model is more appropriate for consumers with the most significant disabilities. Problems transferring knowledge from an artificial training situation to a real job are eliminated, because the focus is on finding the best job match and providing training for that particular job.

Vocational training:
Vocational training is a service provided to people in industrial enclaves, work crews, sheltered workshops or affirmative industry settings to help them get a job.

For consideration or entrance into the supported employment program, please contact Texoma Community Center at 903-957-4798 or email us at the link below.