Walker House 1100 W. Walker Street in Denison, Texas

WHEN: THURSDAY | NOVEMBER 17, 2022 | 3:00pm – 6:30 pm


You’re invited to join us Thursday, 11/17/22, on the one day when we open our doors to the community at the Walker House. Walker House is where our local MILITARY VETERAN PEER NETWORK operates, which is a program certified by the Texas Veteran’s Commission.

The Military Veteran Peer Network is certified by the Texas Veteran’s Commission

Take a tour of our center, The Walker House, and learn how we help veterans in a non-clinical way. It’s also your chance to directly network with businesses and community members who support veterans. You’ll also have the chance to meet some of our wonderful volunteer peers, who pour their heart and time into serving our veteran community.

This is a COME & GO event, as our parking is currently limited.

We’re also having a silent auction, along with goodies to munch on.

If you cannot make it on the day of the event, but would like to learn more about Walker House and the Military Veteran Peer Network, please contact Sharon Luse 903-267-0166 or via email:

Visit our Facebook page to get an inside glimpse of what’s been happening behind the scenes, and information about veteran related news.